הסיוט של כולנו - ילד נעלם לנו מתחת לאף

Hello, everyone. THIS IS SERIOUS. NOT A JOKE. Caleb Jacoby is missing. He was not at school today, his mother says the last time she saw him was 12:00 pm (I don't know where or why he left), and he did not come home for dinner yet. Everyone is very worried for him. The police have been notified, but maybe yo can help. If you have seen this boy (in the picture of the class, he i wearing a green polo shirt on the right side of the picture) please let someone know immediately, either his parents, myself, Austin Edelman, Perry Kangoun and anyone else that can help return him or should know about it. Also, his toiletries bag is gone, so we assume he took it with him.
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