יש להשתמש בשני קופונים של החנות...ניתן למצוא אותם במגזין השבועי ובמגזין הרבעוני. פשוט נכנסים לחנות, לוקחים את שני העיתונים (שמחולקים חינם) מוצאים את התמונה של הסוללות ומשתמשים בהם. זה כל הסיפור :))

Details: This week there is a Bonus Buy on Walgreens batteries, they are Buy One, Get One Free. There is also a Walgreens $.99 coupon in the Happy and Healthy magazine, usually located at the front of the store. You can pick these up for only $.50 each.
Buy (2) Walgreens Battery $.99 (with coupon)
Buy One, Get One Free
$.50 each after coupon
Details: This week there is a Bonus Buy on Walgreens batteries, they are Buy One, Get One Free. There is also a Walgreens $.99 coupon in the Happy and Healthy magazine, usually located at the front of the store. You can pick these up for only $.50 each.
Buy (2) Walgreens Battery $.99 (with coupon)
Buy One, Get One Free
$.50 each after coupon
thanks ftm