NOTE: even if the window times out when you go to redeem your points, your account should be credited (you can check your account after you do all the things below)
Not a member of Recycle Bank? I highly recommend signing up HERE. You earn points that can be cashed out for gift cards and high value coupons.
Watch a video and take a quiz from GE Freshpedition HERE to get 25 Recyclebank points. Then take the pledge on lower right side of the video to earn another 5 points.
Then look on the right side for a banner like the one below for 5 points.
You can get another 25 points when you learn aboutHellmanns HERE and then look to the right side for a banner like the one below for an additional 5 points.
And don’t forget, you can take a pledge each day to get 5 points. Today I took a pledge to choose natural shampoo
As you can see, I earned 70 points today:
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